Thursday, August 26, 2010
Making Our Way Around Blogland :)
If you click on it the adoptive family link, it will take you to this site: that has our picture and information.
We are also featured here:
And we're in Emily Lawrance's album here:!/album.php?aid=241559&id=79461885961
We're famous! ;) Just kidding, but it is kind of cool how these are all intermingled! :)
Hope you're having a blessed week!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Adoption Timeline
P.S. One day I'm going to get the timeline on the home page of my blog, along with a button, pages, etc. etc. :)
So, here goes:
This Thursday, we will send our first home study fee along with our Home Study Agreement to CHI.
When they receive the agreement, they will send us a list of all the documents that we need in order to begin the home study. (*We have been frantically getting all of this together, so as soon as we get the list, we should have the documents ready to send in. :))
Once they receive our documents, our social worker will begin our home visits and will write our home study. We will pay the rest of our home study fee and our post-adoption agreement fee at this point.
When we receive our home study, we will send in our I-600A along with our $830 fee to the CIS and will wait for our fingerprint appointments.
Once we have done our fingerprinting, we will wait for our 1-171H and fingerprint approvals.
At this time, we will complete our dossier collection and complete the parenting workshops.
Then, we will send our dossier, our preparation fees, and our authentication fees totalling $4100 to CHI, who will take care of sending them to DC for authentication at which time we will be an official waiting family!!
**This document collection and processing period is supposed to take 3-6 months.
At this point, we will do just what the name suggests...we will wait for our referral. We were told that we should expect to wait 15 months for our referral since we are wanting to adopt two of such a young age.
Once we have received and accepted our referral, we will send in our $10, 735 referral fee.
We will wait approximately 1.5-3 months for our court date and will arrange travel at that time (Travel Expenses=$6,000-8,000).
We will travel to Ethiopia for our court date and to meet our babies at this time (the trip is supposed to last approximately 5 days).
We will then return to the states (without our babies):( and will wait until we can go get them 5-6 weeks later.
We'll travel to Ethiopia, get our babies, return home with them and CELEBRATE!!!!
So, there you go...the long answer! ;)
P.S. Don't forget if you want to help us out and get some really cool gear in the process, you can click :)
I'm leaving you with this last little thought (oh, how I love this boy!)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Let the School Daze Begin
A "New" Preschooler
Camden with his "new" preschool teacher, Miss Michelle
A "New" Kindergartner
Melia with her "new" kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Schmidt
A "New" Assistant Principal
Trevor with his 2 biggest fans!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Prayers Covering Us
I just thought I'd say a word on prayer through this journey and how the outpouring of prayerful support has been surrounding us on all sides. I have always considered myself a prayer warrior. I love to pray for anyone and everyone. It occurred to me in the last year or two that praying for someone is awesome, praying with someone is even better, but praying over someone about a particularly pressing or hard situation is the BEST!! I love to see how God lifts burdens off shoulders and allows Jesus to carry them when we ask Him!
I also know that people have prayed for me and my family about several things in the past, and I have even seen personal medical miracles (i.e. Camden's vanished hip dysplasia...Praise Jesus!), but I can honestly say that this journey is probably covered in more prayers than any other I've ever been on! For example, in the last two days, I can think of at least 5 people who either texted, E-mailed, called me, or sent me a facebook message to say that they were thinking about us and praying for us. I even had one sweet friend (who I hadn't had a chance to talk to about the adoption) come into my school, up the stairs, into my office to listen to my story and pray with me on the spot! It was awesome and so powerful! *Thanks, Chelle...praying for you too, my friend!
Something else that is amazing is that some of these were people I've never met before. They were friends of friends that had heard about this calling in our hearts and wanted to be obedient in praying for us. Now that's some powerful stuff!
I read a blog post today that scared and energized me all at the same time...
I think it's so true, but, honestly, people, we haven't encountered it *YET*, but I'll betcha it's coming! So, to make a long story short,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Application APPROVED!!
I have to be honest, though...along with our excitement is a minor amount of sheer panic about how in the world we are going to pay for this! So, here is fundraiser #1:
2. Order one of these super cute shirts (where did they find such cute kids to model these?!). Again, just E-mail Mary Jo at, let her know the quantity, size, color, and style (large applique/small applique), along with the country or continent you want (if you don't know, pick Africa! ;)) and she will deliver those to you either by shipping them or through me if you live close. We also get $5 per shirt on these! They are $20 for adult sizes and $15 for child sizes. P.S. This is an "insider" deal...they haven't even released these shirts yet!
3. Order one of these adorable necklaces from Cap Creations. They just happen to be on sale right now and we get $10 per order (just be sure to specify us from the drop-down menu). I love that this necklace represents the chosen child, but also that it represents that each of us is chosen by Christ to be His son or daughter! In addition, she will donate 10% of anything else you purchase from her on-line store if you mention our names! If everyone we know bought some of this jewelry for the most special woman or girl in their lives, we'd have our adoption fully funded!