Well, my baby is now officially 3 years old. His birthday was May 6th and, as we tend to do, we totally went overboard with celebrations!

I was fortunate to be able to take his birthday off so we could spend the whole day together with Sis. We woke up to Daddy's special "birthday waffle" complete with three candles that Mr. Camden had a bit of trouble blowing out!
Once breakfast was over, the kids played together until 8:30 when we left to take cupcakes to preschool so that he could celebrate with his buddies. In keeping with the SuperHero birthday theme, we brought SuperMan cupcakes and juice boxes. It was so cute to see him interact with his little buddies. He was so proud it was his birthday!

Camden with his "best buddies," Cade and Kenna
Camden's class
When we left preschool, we had a little bit of running around to do so that we could get a few things for his party and then we went to the doctor's office for his 3 year check-up. (I know, I know, it's mean to make him get shots on his birthday, but I actually had the day off, so I had to get it done when I had the chance!) He weighed in at a mere 28.8 lbs. (20th percentile) and measured 37" (30-40th percentile). What a little peanut!! We also found out that his hearing is horrible, which is a little crazy because of his extensive vocabulary and the fact that he can perfectly match pitches! We are going to aggressively go after his allergies in hopes that we will clear up the fluid and maybe avoid tubes.
After the doctor's visit, we met Gigi for a delicious, nutritious picnic lunch from McDonalds at a local park. Melia and Camden had so much fun playing
in the dirt on the playground and really enjoyed getting to hang out with Gigi for a little while!
We went home for a nap and then, when Daddy got home, we went to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. It was fu

n, but Camden was a little confused because all the birthdays he

has been to at CEC have been big events with tons of friends, presents, cake, etc. Once he got past the confusion, he had a good time playing the games and collecting tickets with his sister. On the way home, we stopped at Braum's for some ice cream...yum, yum!
Saturday, May 8th, was his SuperHero birthday party. I'm going to do a seperate post for that one! :)